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Join The Chamber

Did you know that studies show that 63% of consumers are more likely to buy products from a Chamber member? And, about two-thirds of business decision-makers are more likely to do business with a Chamber member? Being a Chamber member provides you instant access to a network of other area businesses and organizations who also care about our community and want to see it thrive and be successful. At the Hancock Chamber we believe strongly in this mantra: “People do business with those they know and trust.” A Chamber membership is an investment in the future of your business and is the perfect way to build stronger relationships in the community, promote your business, gain greater access to business contacts, enhance exposure for your business, and ensure representation on local, state and federal issues.


Why should you join the Hancock Chamber? Here’s what our members and strategic partners have to say…

Social Chair logo“When I first moved to the community and knowing literally NO ONE, I needed a way to meet people in the area and introduce myself to the business community. The Chamber was a great way to do just that. Over the past several years, some of my best clients are a direct result of connections I’ve made through the Chamber, and membership continues to be a profitable experience.”

Yuki Northington, Owner
Social Chair

Annual Shareholders Investment Schedule

The Hancock Chamber Annual Shareholders Investment Schedule is based on a fair share formula. Two part-time employees equal one full-time employee. Please select your company’s investment fee on the number of full-time and part-time people you employ. Individuals, non-profits and Young Professionals join with a flat fee.

1-3 Employees$3251 vote
4-5 Employees$4251 vote
6-10 Employees$5252 votes
11-20 Employees$6252 votes
21-50 Employees$7502 votes
51-80 Employees$8503 votes
81-120 Employees$1,1003 votes
121-184 Employees$1,5005 votes
185+ Employees$2,1007 votes
Non-Profit$3001 vote
Individual$1500 votes
Hancock Young Professionals*$750 votes

*There is no fee to join Hancock Young Professionals or the Women’s Leadership Roundtable for employees of members in good standing.  For those who would like to join these groups individually, the fee is $75 per year.

Member Privileges

(Applies to all categories above except Individuals and Hancock Young Professionals.)
  • Opportunity to post and enjoy “members only” discounts
  • Eligible to participate in the Chamber programs for discounts on office supplies and international travel
  • Opportunity to advertise in the Official Map of Hancock County (every two years) with 10,000 distribution
  • Use of Chamber second floor facilities and the Business Resource Center (fees may apply)
  • Ability to attend regular Chamber Power Hour Lunch Breaks at area business locations for customer development
  • Ability to attend regular professional development seminars to improve your business practices and Power Hour Coffee Calls with governmental officials
  • Ability to grow your business as a member of the Chamber Ambassadors program
  • Ability to participate in Leadership Hancock County to improve your leadership skills and gain knowledge
  • Ability to participate in the Hancock Young Professionals to grow your business network (for members under 45)
  • Ability to participate in 150 events and meetings throughout the year to grow your business
  • Ability to support the work of Chamber Committees to grow the community through business retention and expansion, workforce development, education, government relations, relocation campaigns, and beautification
  • Ability to put your passion to work for the community through the Hancock County Community Development Foundation
  • Ability to network with companies and agencies at NASA's Stennis Space Center through Partners for Stennis & Michoud
  • Opportunity to work with Chamber staff to build your own customized annual marketing services benefits package
  • Chamber member window cling
  • Promotion as a new member in the Chamber’s Contact Communications system and Facebook (one time)
  • Voting rights for businesses to elect members to the Board of Directors, businesses of the year and citizen of the year
  • Weekly checklist with information on how to participate in customer development opportunities and services
  • Instant news reminders so you don’t miss important customer development opportunities (Text HCHAMBER to 57711)
  • Business referrals via telephone, office visitors, the online business directory and social media sites
  • Company listing in the online partner directory and mobile website with direct links to your website
  • Participation opportunities on Chamber Committees/Boards where appropriate (please inquire)
  • Ability to post business announcements, special events and promotions to the Chamber's social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn)
  • One complimentary ribbon cutting ceremony
  • Authorized use of Chamber logo in all of your marketing, adding credibility to your business
  • Invitation to Annual Coast Legislative Reception
  • Opportunity to provide promotional brochures in Chamber and Business Resource Center lobby
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